Enjoy the Little Things in Life, For Someday You Will Realize They Were the BIG Things!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Morning!
Well, Our children decided to wake up at 5 am and wanted to rush in and see what Santa had brought. Under protest, Shane & I crawled out of bed to have Christmas Morning with the kids. They were so excited by what they got and have been busy playing with it for the last two days. Here are a few pictures of the morning. Hope all is well with everyone! Love the Randall Bunch
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Wiltbank Family Christmas Party!
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Pretty Crazy, but it was lots of fun! We all met at Jonna & Daryl's house and had dinner (Haystacks). Then we decided to load all the kids onto a trailer and go caroling. It was raining and very cold. Chelsie & Shelby got us some big umbrella's and blankets and we tried to keep warm! Jonna & I were remembering the times as children when we would leave the seminary building and get on the trailer to go caroling only there was lots of snow on the ground and it was down right cold! But I also remember as a kid how rewarding it was to see the smiles on people's faces and the tears in their eyes as we sang about the Savior and Christmas! Even though we were cold last night we also were able to see the smiles on their faces and the tears in their eyes. It was so much fun! Then we headed back to the house and we had dessert & hot coco! We called Grandma Debbie & Randall on the phone and sang to them too! To finish up the night we had a Christmas ornament exchange and played "Dirty Santa"! The evening was lots of fun and we enjoyed being with each other! We hope that this Christmas Season your family will feel the Love of our Savior. Merry Christmas!
The Wiltbank Bunch
The Wiltbank Bunch
Friday, December 19, 2008
Desert Mountain Elementary Christmas Concerts
Yes it is that time of year! Christmas Concerts!! Kara & Conner had their performances last night. Lets just say that there was alot of people and we were stacked in the cafeteria like legos. Anyways, they both did a wonderful job on their songs and sang so loud. I just wanted to post a few of the pictures I got. Merry Christmas to all!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Randall's Merry Christmas Letter!
Well, I guess I decided that this year we would do a Christmas letter on our blog. We have been so busy with kids stuff and Christmas, and don't forget expecting another baby that this is all there is! So I just wanted to write a letter and let you all know how our family is doing! I guess I will start from the top and go down!
Shane- He is really busy with work. His efforts to get a branch opened in Arizona has finally paid off. We are excited to report that it will open in Feb. He also was called to be the Scout committee chair in our new ward. Yes I did laugh about this until I cried. For all of you who know Shane, he is NOT a camper! I just really found humor in this calling. He will do a fine job. The kids keep us really busy and Shane is such a great dad and husband!
Shelby- She is busy with school and Young Womens. Shelby has made some good friends at school and she is getting A's & B's. She is really doing an awesome job at school! She loves YW and enjoys going to activities every week. She will be starting soccer soon and is looking forward to that.
Conner- He is in the fourth grade and enjoys school alot. He also enjoys playing football in the house with Shane. He is such a good big brother and loves to play with the kids. Conner & Carson love to get on the computer and play star wars together. Conner is also involved with scouts and loves doing that as well.
Kara- She is in the First grade. She really enjoys school. Her teacher tells me that she is the best student in the class. She also loves to play with her sister Mallory. They play school, church, and baby dolls alot. Kara is so sweet and we have so much fun having her in our family.
Carson- Well, Carson! He is really into Lego's, Star Wars, & Star Wars! Anything that Conner does Carson Does! He sometimes gets bored with mom at home, but he is such a good boy! The other night I sent him to brush his teeth and he used BenGay instead of toothpaste. Boy that was fun! What a crazy time! Anyways, he is so fun and sweet!
Mallory- Well the baby of the family for about another month. She is at such a fun age. She loves to color, play with her new baby "Abby". And she really likes to tell Carson what to do! She cannot say the word "Carson" so she started calling him "Buddy" it is so cute to hear her say that. She is at such a fun age! She loves to explore, play with her toys, and most of all she loves to READ! ALL THE TIME!!!
Me- Well, not a whole lot going on with mom. Just being really pregnant and tired. Trying to keep up on housework, homework, and laundry. Not much else to say other than I would love to get a personal cook, toilet cleaner, and laundry lady for Christmas! I guess I better not get my hopes up too high!!!
We hope and pray that this Christmas Season will find your families full of Love, Happiness, Hope, & Peace. May we all remember our Savior this Season and all year through. He has given us so much to be grateful for. We have a wonderful Family, & Great Friends. We wish you the very best this Christmas Season and through the next year.
Love, The Randall Family
Shane, Becky, Shelby, Conner, Kara, Carson, & Mallory
Shane- He is really busy with work. His efforts to get a branch opened in Arizona has finally paid off. We are excited to report that it will open in Feb. He also was called to be the Scout committee chair in our new ward. Yes I did laugh about this until I cried. For all of you who know Shane, he is NOT a camper! I just really found humor in this calling. He will do a fine job. The kids keep us really busy and Shane is such a great dad and husband!
Shelby- She is busy with school and Young Womens. Shelby has made some good friends at school and she is getting A's & B's. She is really doing an awesome job at school! She loves YW and enjoys going to activities every week. She will be starting soccer soon and is looking forward to that.
Conner- He is in the fourth grade and enjoys school alot. He also enjoys playing football in the house with Shane. He is such a good big brother and loves to play with the kids. Conner & Carson love to get on the computer and play star wars together. Conner is also involved with scouts and loves doing that as well.
Kara- She is in the First grade. She really enjoys school. Her teacher tells me that she is the best student in the class. She also loves to play with her sister Mallory. They play school, church, and baby dolls alot. Kara is so sweet and we have so much fun having her in our family.
Carson- Well, Carson! He is really into Lego's, Star Wars, & Star Wars! Anything that Conner does Carson Does! He sometimes gets bored with mom at home, but he is such a good boy! The other night I sent him to brush his teeth and he used BenGay instead of toothpaste. Boy that was fun! What a crazy time! Anyways, he is so fun and sweet!
Mallory- Well the baby of the family for about another month. She is at such a fun age. She loves to color, play with her new baby "Abby". And she really likes to tell Carson what to do! She cannot say the word "Carson" so she started calling him "Buddy" it is so cute to hear her say that. She is at such a fun age! She loves to explore, play with her toys, and most of all she loves to READ! ALL THE TIME!!!
Me- Well, not a whole lot going on with mom. Just being really pregnant and tired. Trying to keep up on housework, homework, and laundry. Not much else to say other than I would love to get a personal cook, toilet cleaner, and laundry lady for Christmas! I guess I better not get my hopes up too high!!!
We hope and pray that this Christmas Season will find your families full of Love, Happiness, Hope, & Peace. May we all remember our Savior this Season and all year through. He has given us so much to be grateful for. We have a wonderful Family, & Great Friends. We wish you the very best this Christmas Season and through the next year.
Love, The Randall Family
Shane, Becky, Shelby, Conner, Kara, Carson, & Mallory
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Mallory!
Happy,Happy Birthday Mallory dear
You have brought much joy to us each year
If we had one wish then it would be
To see your smiling face and personality!
I can believe that Mallory is two years old today!
Time fly's so fast! She is such a sweet child and brings
so much joy and happiness into our family. With her
big blue eyes and her curly hair (oh don't let me forget her
dimples too) she is so precious to all of us. She opened her
birthday present this morning. She got a baby doll! She named it
Abby! Happy Birthday Mallory! We Love you Lots!
You have brought much joy to us each year
If we had one wish then it would be
To see your smiling face and personality!
I can believe that Mallory is two years old today!
Time fly's so fast! She is such a sweet child and brings
so much joy and happiness into our family. With her
big blue eyes and her curly hair (oh don't let me forget her
dimples too) she is so precious to all of us. She opened her
birthday present this morning. She got a baby doll! She named it
Abby! Happy Birthday Mallory! We Love you Lots!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Stockings were hung!
Okay I am still learning about this blog thing and this is now the third time I have posted this. So here it goes!
We have been working hard to get all the Christmas stuff up this year. It has felt a little crazy. As I got to the stocking I realized that I don't have a stair case anymore to hang stockings on. Tyson & April had given us a stocking board a few years back and so I decided to redo it and make a space for all FIVE of your kids. Anyways, I was telling Grandma Debbie about it and she wanted to see pictures. So here they are. Hope all is wel with everyone and Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Don't ever use BenGay for Toothpaste!
Yes, that is true! I sent the kids in tonight to brush their teeth! I was cleaning the kitchen and all of a sudden I hear Carson screaming. I go running (well if you would call it running being 8 months pregnant) into my room and he had grabbed the tube of bengay and brushed his teeth with it. I have to admitt I was a little mad at my other kids for not watching him a little better, but we called the poison control and the sweet lady informed me that he will be fine! Just going to have a hot mouth for a little bit! Oh, the joys! All is well!
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree!
We finally got the tree up and decorated! Boy, it seems like this year it has taken us extra long to get the decorations up on the house. The kids have begged me all week to get it done! Finally on Thursday night we got everyone around the tree and the kids put on the ornaments. It is very pretty and I am sure will probably not be taken down until the end of Jan or the beginning of Feb. Maybe we will just add some hearts to it and call it the "Love Tree"! Here are a few pictures of us decorating. Hope all is well with your families. We had a ward Christmas Breakfast this morning and our Bishop encouraged us to sing a Christmas song every night before we say our family prayers. I really thought this was a wonderful idea. Maybe we could all try this. May we all have a wonderful Christmas and remember to put Christ first this season!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Happy Turkey Day!
Well, another year of stuffing ourselves to the top! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! Lunch was at our house. We had so much food that I think we could have feed the whole town. Mom & Randall were still here. Packing up a truck to go to Logan the next day. Thank you Randall for all the times you washed the dishes. He is really good at that! I also caught him reading a book to Mallory! Busy Beaver! I had all my siblings here for Thanksgiving and their families. It was nice to have everyone together. We also had my Uncle Charles, Aunt Stacey, & my cousin Lafe and his sweet family. What a wonderful day it was! Then later that evening we went to the Randall Family Dinner. So needless to say we were STUFFED!!!! We are so thankful for the many things that we have been blessed with. We have five beautiful, healthy children, who keep us moving everyday! We have such wonderful family and friends! We hope this Christmas Season that all is well with your families and that the spirit of Christmas feels your homes.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
That's what Friends are for!
I have really been thinking lately about my friends and family. The people who influence myself and my family everyday! Oh how lucky I am to have such great people in my life. The last couple of months has really opened my eyes to this topic. I have a dear friend who was diagnosed with cancer. She was a wonderful mother to eight children and she just was a shining example to me. She was always involved in her children's lives and also in the church. She was my neighbor when we lived in Gilbert. And we had lots of fun times. This horrible disease took her very fast. She lived for three months and fought a hard fight. She has gone to be with our Father in Heaven but I know that she has taught me and many others lots of lessons. My life has been truly impacted from knowing Shelley Conway and she will never know how many lives she has touched. I pray everyday that the spirit of our loving Father in Heaven will be with her wonderful husband and their eight children. May we all remember to hold our children and take time for those little moments of reading a book or playing a game with them. They are so precious and need our time and love.
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Well, Shane is finally the big 40! We had a suprise party for him on Oct. 18th. It was lots of fun! The house was full of people and we had lots of food! However, it did take Shane an hour longer to get home so we all waited patiently! He said he knew something was up but I don't think he knew how many people were going to be there. Thank you all for coming and helping us celebrate this event. He is my best friend and a wonderful husband and father to our beautiful almost six kids. I don't think I tell him enough how much I love and appreciate all he does for me. I hope that when he turns 95, you all will come back and we will have a huge party! Here are a few pictures from that night! Thanks again April for taking pictures!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Well, another Halloween gone CRAZY!! It seems like every year this day creeps up on me and I am not prepared! So this year we just got out the Halloween Bucket and put together what we thought were Costumes! I have posted the few pictures I have THANKS to Aunt April! Carson decided to dress up as Davy Crockett from outer space! I do not know where that came from but I was too tired to fight him! Conner put together at the last minute a headless horseman costume and most of the time did not wear to plastic pumpkin on is head! (OH, WEll) Kara was a witch and she was so busy playing the games that there is not a picture of her. Mallory was dressed up like a cute girl in Halloween Clothes. I think sometimes they are just too little to fight over a costume. Anyways, we ended up going to Tyson & April's ward party and had lots of fun! Good job on putting together that party Ty & April! We got lots of candy and everyone had a great time! Halloween wrapped up for another year! HURRAY!!!!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Dear Family & Friends
Hello from The Randall Bunch.
I decided that I don't keep in touch with our family enough and so here is our blog. We are having a wonderful summer and swimming alot in our pool. I will give you a run down of what the kids are up to.
* Shelby- She just finished sixth grade. She will be turning 12 on July 22nd. Girls Camp here she comes! She is very excited.
*Conner- He just finished 3rd grade and is excited to start basketball camp this month.
*Kara- She made it through kindergarden and loved it. She told me that she wants to grow up and be a school teacher. She is having lots of fun swimming and playing with her friends.
*Carson- Just keeps us all busy. He loves to play pirates, legos, and watch cartoons. He is so fun!
*Mallory- She is almost 18 months and going into nursery. She is getting quite the personality. She is also lots of fun!
I decided that I don't keep in touch with our family enough and so here is our blog. We are having a wonderful summer and swimming alot in our pool. I will give you a run down of what the kids are up to.
* Shelby- She just finished sixth grade. She will be turning 12 on July 22nd. Girls Camp here she comes! She is very excited.
*Conner- He just finished 3rd grade and is excited to start basketball camp this month.
*Kara- She made it through kindergarden and loved it. She told me that she wants to grow up and be a school teacher. She is having lots of fun swimming and playing with her friends.
*Carson- Just keeps us all busy. He loves to play pirates, legos, and watch cartoons. He is so fun!
*Mallory- She is almost 18 months and going into nursery. She is getting quite the personality. She is also lots of fun!
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