Well, today is my dad's birthday! I guess I wanted to just post a little something in remembrance of him. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about my dad. He was truly a gentle giant. There are so many traits that he had that I want to do in my life. I guess there are three that come to mind. First, he had a very strong testimony of the Gospel. He studied and prayed everyday. He was always spending time to strengthen his testimony. He loved the Gospel. Second, he was a friend to everyone. I know that I have posted about this before, but he never turned his back on anyone. He always listened and understood. I remember him always helping those in need and somehow he would always teach them the Gospel. Third, my dad had patience. He was so loving, caring, thoughtful, and kind. He always spent the time to listen to your concerns and then teach you at the same time. When dad was still with us I think I took for granted that he was here. I wish I would have spent more time with him sitting and letting him teach me. I know that he is in heaven teaching and testifying of the truth fullness of the Gospel. I miss him so much! I just hope that I will be able to live my life the way he did and make an impact on others lives. I love you Dad! Happy Birthday!