Well, I guess I decided that this year we would do a Christmas letter on our blog. We have been so busy with kids stuff and Christmas, and don't forget expecting another baby that this is all there is! So I just wanted to write a letter and let you all know how our family is doing! I guess I will start from the top and go down!
Shane- He is really busy with work. His efforts to get a branch opened in Arizona has finally paid off. We are excited to report that it will open in Feb. He also was called to be the Scout committee chair in our new ward. Yes I did laugh about this until I cried. For all of you who know Shane, he is NOT a camper! I just really found humor in this calling. He will do a fine job. The kids keep us really busy and Shane is such a great dad and husband!
Shelby- She is busy with school and Young Womens. Shelby has made some good friends at school and she is getting A's & B's. She is really doing an awesome job at school! She loves YW and enjoys going to activities every week. She will be starting soccer soon and is looking forward to that.
Conner- He is in the fourth grade and enjoys school alot. He also enjoys playing football in the house with Shane. He is such a good big brother and loves to play with the kids. Conner & Carson love to get on the computer and play star wars together. Conner is also involved with scouts and loves doing that as well. Kara- She is in the First grade. She really enjoys school. Her teacher tells me that she is the best student in the class. She also loves to play with her sister Mallory. They play school, church, and baby dolls alot. Kara is so sweet and we have so much fun having her in our family. Carson- Well, Carson! He is really into Lego's, Star Wars, & Star Wars! Anything that Conner does Carson Does! He sometimes gets bored with mom at home, but he is such a good boy! The other night I sent him to brush his teeth and he used BenGay instead of toothpaste. Boy that was fun! What a crazy time! Anyways, he is so fun and sweet!Mallory- Well the baby of the family for about another month. She is at such a fun age. She loves to color, play with her new baby "Abby". And she really likes to tell Carson what to do! She cannot say the word "Carson" so she started calling him "Buddy" it is so cute to hear her say that. She is at such a fun age! She loves to explore, play with her toys, and most of all she loves to READ! ALL THE TIME!!! Me- Well, not a whole lot going on with mom. Just being really pregnant and tired. Trying to keep up on housework, homework, and laundry. Not much else to say other than I would love to get a personal cook, toilet cleaner, and laundry lady for Christmas! I guess I better not get my hopes up too high!!!We hope and
pray that this Christmas Season will find your families full of
Love, Happiness, Hope, & Peace. May we all remember our
Savior this Season and all year through. He has given us so much to be
grateful for. We have a wonderful
Family, & Great
Friends. We wish you the very
best this Christmas Season and through the next year.
Love, The Randall Family
Shane, Becky, Shelby, Conner, Kara, Carson, & Mallory