Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wow, where is the time?

I know I have not blogged for a few weeks, but I have been busy getting kids done with school! Today is the last day! I really don't know if I am excited or dreading the fact that we really don't have anything planned for the summer besides a few family reunions and lots of swim days. Hopefully my neighbor Nancy doesn't get too sick of us using her pool! Well, the kids did really well is school is year. Shelby and Conner both made the honor roll. Kara received a few award, one was for perfect attendance! She is also going to do a few weeks of summer school. Her teacher asked the class if there was anyone who would be interested in doing summer school and yes her hand went straight up! She loves school! So anyways that is about all that is going on in our lives. Just trying to keep the fort upright! Hope all is well with everyone!
Becky Randall