Enjoy the Little Things in Life, For Someday You Will Realize They Were the BIG Things!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I love Dollar Tree :0)
Ok I am one of those moms who does not buy Halloween Costumes. I refuse to spend alot of money! In the past years I have loaded up my kids in the car and off we go to D.I. So through the years I have gathered a whole bucket of costume mix match stuff! Well, this year I was at the Dollar Tree and I came across this costume for Carson. I cost me a total of $3.00!! He thinks I am the best mom ever and I have made his day! Here are some pics of him trying it out! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Cool Weather is finally here! Hip Hip Hooray!!!
OK I know that I haven't blogged for awhile. The kids had October break and that was a little crazy. Shane's parents moved to Queen Creek and so we were really busy trying to help them as much as we could. I think I totally left my kids for an entire week. Shelby was such a good trooper and helped out with her brothers and sisters so much! In the middle of all of this, Shane had to go to North Dakota for 5 days! Oh my CRAZY!! So the rest of our break was just hanging with cousins and making a craft with Aunt Jonna. Now the kids are back in school and we finally have great weather. I am so excited for the holiday seasons that are just ahead of us. I love this time of year! Today is also Shane's Birthday! Mallory, Tessa, & I took him balloons and cupcakes to his work. The girls thought that was so fun! I hope he had a good day! I love him so much. He is truly my Best Friend! I'm not saying that sometimes we get on each others nerves, but I know that he loves me too for all my imperfections. I am so glad that I have him as an eternal companion! Well, I guess I better quit blogging for right now and go finish dinner :0) Hope all is well with everyone!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Find Of the Day!
I have been contemplating for a few weeks on whether to get Tessa a "BIG" Bed. She really loves to take her naps in Mallory's bed, however when it is time to go to bed at night she just throws her body on the floor and screams! LOUD!! Anyways, I got a call from my mom this morning (who is in Logan UT) and she had been surfing Craigslist in my area. She told me about a toddler bed for sale in Mesa for $30! I called the lady and made a mad run to Mesa to pick it up! Then I had to go to Target and get her a cute bedding set for her "Big" bed. We came home and I washed it all down and made her bed and she is one Happy LITTLE girl in a BIG bed!! I can't believe that she is growing up so fast. Thanks mom for finding the deal of the day!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Carson's army toys!
Carson loves to sit up in the entertainment center and play with toys! Today this is how I found his toys! I just had to laugh at him. He loves to tinker with his toys. He is such a good kid that sometimes I forget where he is and what he is doing. Then all I have to do is look in the family room and there he is playing army! He is such a cute & loving child. I love having him in our family.
Yes Still Summer Fun!
Ok the temperature on Saturday was 110!!!! Crazy. When is it going to cool down. We had a fun pool party with Uncle Tyson's & Aunt Jonna's Families. We had so much fun swimming & visiting. Here are some pics of our party! It is great to have family and friends that can come and enjoy our pool with us!!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
I love my Heritage!
My children and I had the fun opportunity to
go to the Wiltbank Family reunion over labor day weekend. I love to be in the mountains and my children look forward to it every year. There just is nothing better than being in the cool mountain air and beautiful trees talking with family and friends, playing card games, and eating lots and lots of yummy food. When I go to Eagar, I feel a closeness to by dad. I love to go to the cemetery and watch the grand kids pick wild flowers and line them up around his headstone. I also love the simply quick moments when I can talk about those loved ones who have passed on and teach my children about their heritage. I am sure that you all know that I have an emotional switch that I inherited from my dad. So as I stood there in the cemetery and looked around me I was surrounded by great grandparents, grandparents, father, sister, & cousins, I could not help but get emotional. All of these wonderful people has influenced my life and help me down the path. Some of them I have never met but I have hear stories and read journals about them. Some of them, like my father, has truly influenced me and raised me to be the person I am today. Today is dad's birthday. I so wish that I could wrap my arms around him today and wish him a Happy Birthday. What a wonderful person he is. My family misses him everyday, but we know that we will see him someday. As we left the cemetery some of my children were crying and I took that little simple moment to testify to them of the importance of the resurrection and how someday we will be able to be back with those who have passed on before us. We will have the opportunity to meet those members of our heritage and get to know them. I am so very thankful for the Gospel in my life and for the testimony I have of Eternal Families. It is hard to be away from them but it is just a short time of eternity. Happy Birthday Dad! I love you!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Hooray the Randall Pool is Finished!
We have been working for the last 2 months to complete our pool. The kids have been so excited to jump in. Every night when Shane would get home from work, all the kids would go out to see what was completed for the day. When we were at the reunion the pool was filled with water. My kids where anxious to get home so that they could get in the pool. Here are some pictures of the first swim in the pool. We can't wait until next summer so we can enjoy it all summer long.
Just a swingin!
Wiltbank Family Reunion 2010
Kara had so much fun playing in the creek and boy did she get sun burned!
The kids had a blast just getting dirty!

Tessa still found the time to get pretty!

Tessa still found the time to get pretty!
Ok, I know that it has been a really long time since I have posted on my blog. I am trying to be better so here it goes. We had the best time at the reunion this year. It is so nice to be able to just sit in the woods and not worry about anything. My kids had so much fun playing with their cousins and also new cousins. They all put on their swim suits and played in the creek catching crawdads. They even auctioned off a bucket of crawdads and make $5.00. Well, I am just going to post some pics and let you enjoy them.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I have been really waiting for summer break. I am so tired of getting up to make lunches and make sure everyone has shoes on or can even find their shoes :0) Finally, it is here!!! We don't have too many things planed this summer. Grandma Debbie and Grandpa Randall are coming for 10 days! We can't wait to see them. My kids are counting down the days. Shelby is attending YW Conference with her cousin Chelsie! And then she will go straight to Girls Camp. She is so excited! Two days after Grandma and Grandpa leave we are loading up our kids and driving for a LONG 14 hours to see them in Utah. My kids are really excited to see where Grandma lives and also to take a family vacation. Soon after we get home school will start again! I really am having a hard time believing that my little Shelby is going to be in High School next year. I can't believe that she is old enough to do this! Conner will be in 6th grade, Kara is going into 3rd grade, & Carson will have the opportunity to do Kindergarten again :0) He is actually really excited about this! My children are growing up too fast and I don't know how to stop it. If anyone out there has a secret remedy or spell that will work will you please give it to me!! I love them so much. They are my life! Hooray for SUMMER!!!!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Conner Troy is Eleven!!!!
Today is Conner's Birthday! I can't believe that he is 11. He is growing so tall and still is as skinny as a pole. He started baseball this last month and loves it. I really enjoy seeing Shane & Conner spending that time together. It is so good for them. They are really enjoying it. Conner is such a great part of our family! Our family has really enjoyed going to the field to watch his games. Happy Birthday Son!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Kara's Baptism
Today was Kara's Baptism. She was a little nervous but all went well. She was also so excited and has waited for this day for along time. She looked so pretty in her white dress. I feel like my babies are growing up. She is such a sweet young lady and has such a tender heart. We love her so much and are so proud of her decision to get baptized.
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