Thursday, March 10, 2011

I want to be a big girl!

Ok so a couple weeks ago Tessa decided that she needed a big girl potty. So potty chair + training pants = $25.00. She sat on it a couple of times and to my surprise she DID it. Hey for Tessa! And then she said I need a diaper. So I put a diaper back on her. So today, out of the blue, she says, I am going potty. So here we are again in the thick of potty training. I really did not have this in the plans today. Isn't she aware that if its not on the calendar, it DOESN'T happen. Wish us luck! She already has had 2 accidents but refuses to put on a diaper. She is so strong headed! Good Luck Tessa (or maybe its should be good luck to mommy!). :0)

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Hooray! Good luck. If she is initiating it, I bet it won't take long! :)