Enjoy the Little Things in Life, For Someday You Will Realize They Were the BIG Things!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Flag Football Here we come!
Conner really wanted to play flag football this year and so that is what he is doing! He really enjoys it. I went to his first game (we lost, bummer). But here are a few pictures of Conner! He is getting so big and I can't believe how tall he is.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Family Reunion Pool Bash!
We had a fun time in June having the Anway Reunion at our house. Everyone enjoyed the pool and lots of great food. We didn't have our whole family there and we missed those who could not come, but we were so glad to have Aunt Brenda and her boys with their families. We played "Minute to Win it" games and ate lots of ice cream to try and keep cool. Here are a few pictures of our fun time.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Fun Family Pics!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Conner Is Twelve~
Ok I have really had a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that Conner is now 12! He has grown up so fast and it is crazy to me. He has been so excited to get the Priesthood. All he talks about is passing the sacrament to our Bishop this next Sunday. Yesterday we had our family and friends over to do the ordination and then we had Sunday dinner. I just want to thank everyone for coming and supporting Conner. He is such a sweet young man and we are so happy that he now has the priesthood. Here is a picture taken yesterday of all those who helped with the ordination. Wonderful Memories!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
A day I will never forget!
I had the wonderful opportunity to be a part of a wonderful reunion. Roy is a member of our ward from Africa and he fled the country 6 years ago. He has been trying the whole time to get his family (wife & 4 children) here with him. Well it finally happened. I will post a link of where you can go to read their story and look at pictures. WARNING: DO NOT read without a HUGE box of tissues! Here is the address: www.trevordayleyblog.com. This really shows you just how important the family unit is and how much we need to strive to strengthen our families!
Love to all! Becky
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I want to be a big girl!
Ok so a couple weeks ago Tessa decided that she needed a big girl potty. So potty chair + training pants = $25.00. She sat on it a couple of times and to my surprise she DID it. Hey for Tessa! And then she said I need a diaper. So I put a diaper back on her. So today, out of the blue, she says, I am going potty. So here we are again in the thick of potty training. I really did not have this in the plans today. Isn't she aware that if its not on the calendar, it DOESN'T happen. Wish us luck! She already has had 2 accidents but refuses to put on a diaper. She is so strong headed! Good Luck Tessa (or maybe its should be good luck to mommy!). :0)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Aida 2011
Aida 2011
Shelby had the opportunity to be in the play put on by the Queen Creek High School Drama. They have worked so hard on this play and it was a wonderful show. The story takes place in Egypt. It is a love story between an Egyptian Captain and the Princess of Nubia. Shelby's part was alot of dancing and a fashion show. The pictures below are of her fashion show dress. She did such a great job and we are so proud of the work she did. She has made some good friends and made lots of memories. We Love you Shelby and are so proud of you!

Friday, February 25, 2011
Oh It hurts So Bad!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Girls just wanna have FUN!
Ok , Mallory & Tessa have really been getting into stuff lately. First it was finger nail polish and now I have two wonderful spots on my carpet! Next, it is Shelby's make up! The funny part about it is that Mallory will do the dirty work and Tessa will come up stairs and say, "Look at my pretty toes mom!" Then Mallory will start crying and run to her room. Silly Girls! So here are a few pictures of Tessa and her Mascara Job!! I love how she put her finger on her cheek like she is just so innocent.
Soccer, Soccer, & More Soccer!

Kara & Carson have been doing soccer. The season is almost over and they are sad but I am really happy. It is just alot to have two kids doing practice and games all week long. Not to mention Scouts & Mutual. OH! Did I forget Baseball! Holly Cow~ No wonder I am running around like a crazy lady! Here are a few soccer pics to enjoy!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Ok I am not a very good writer, but I am going to try and tell this little story so that you can maybe feel the same way I did when my children & I were talking. It seems that you have quite the conversations when you are in the car driving across town for a dentist appt. My Mallory has been asking questions about dying lately. We have had a few talks about the resurrection and about Papa John. She has asked me "where was I when papa John died?" I then try to explain to her that she was in my tummy when papa John died. Her facial expression was kind of sad when she knew that she didn't "know" papa John. Today, she asked me "when you die do you get your same body and eyes?" Carson replied, "Yes Mallory it is called the resurrection." She then asked me again where she was when papa John died. I told her that she was in my tummy and then I tried to explain to her that when we die our spirits leave our body and go to heaven. So I told her that she was still in heaven and when papa John's spirit came to heaven she was able to meet him in heaven. As I looked at her she had a huge smile on her face. Then I heard this one word from Carson that made me cry! He looked at Mallory and said, "LUCKY!" This really hit my emotions. We are LUCKY to have the opportunity to have come from heaven, to go back to heaven, & to have the resurrection in our lives. I am so thankful for my children who teach me these simple lessons in life. I tried to drive, wiping away the tears. I love the Gospel and I know that someday Mallory will get to meet her papa John again. And I know that he will wrap his arms around her and she will feel of his love for her. I can't wait for that day and I too feel really LUCKY today :0)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Elvis is in the House!
Family Pictures 2010
My Baby is 2!
My Sweet Baby Tessa is now 2. She is such a sweet girl. We love her so much! She brightens our day and gets into everything! She told me today that she needed keys for the car. Oh my! I am in trouble. She is so busy all the time. I think she is my biggest mess potter!!! Here are some pictures of her Birthday Party.
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